Supervisors: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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Usually, supervisors resort to their authorities to accomplish anything. Whether it is day-to-day business or working on a big project, managers hummer orders left and right. However, resorting to your power will not generate buy-in. So, employees will give you their mediocre performance, not their full potential.

Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay

To advance your company and your career, you need more than average conduct.
1. Seek alternatives, before you make a decision, ask yourself, “What type of actions would I take if I didn’t have supervisory power?” Check and see if you can implement these actions first. So, instead of commending everyone, try earning their voluntary compliance.
2. Be a team player. Whenever you can, perform some of your employees’ duties, join them for a cup of coffee in their breakroom, or hold the door for one of your employees.