Sell Yourself in a Job Interview

Answer Questions

Be prepared to answer questions like tell me about a time when you made a mistake.  Learn the true reason behind why they are asking these questions.  Rather than focusing on the mistake, learn how to focus on growth.📈 Watch the video and see how. 📹






This Week's Topic: Sell Yourself in a Job Interview

4 Steps to Sell Yourself Successfully in a Job Interview


Be Your Best Advocate

Sometimes we shy away from advocating for ourselves. However, in this competitive workplace, you have to be your best advocate. Watch the video and learn a couple of tips to sell yourself effectively.

Sell Yourself Effectively

Approach any job interview with confidence. 👌 You don't have to be nervous 😬 during the interview. Let your skills shine; ✨✨ learn how to sell yourself effectively.  Remember, you made them call you ☎️ 📞📞 for an interview, so you have what it takes to get the job. Read 📓📓 the manual and be ready.


How to Answer Salary Questions

Don't settle for less. 💲 You worth more than you think. 🤑🤑 Watch the video and learn why the interviewer is asking you questions about the salary. 💵

Present Your Accomplishments

Approach job interviews strategically.♟♘ How to make yourself relevant during the first 30 seconds of the interview. ⏰ Let's nail down that job interview. 👩🏽‍💻You can do it.



Practice for Your Job Interview

  • Go to your job interview prepared to handle any questions they throw at you.
  • Review some of the most common questions, along with sample answers.
  • Click here to review using Quizlet.