10 Easy Steps To Work Safely During COVID-19

Wear a Mask

Few Tips to Keep You and Your Workplace Safe

  1. Wear a mask even if your colleagues don't wear masks regularly and inform them that you will be wearing your mask all the time.  Keep an extra mask at your office in case you need to change the one you are wearing.  
  2. You can buy a face shield which I highly recommend.  I personally have one-- they are very useful.
  3. Keep a bottle of hand sanitizer, some soap, and a pair of gloves in your office. Always wash your hands and use the gloves if you need to use the shared office equipment; copies, fax..., etc.
  4. Use paper towels or tissues provided by the company to open and close doors.

More Than Six Feet

5. Keep more than six feet distance between you and other people. Six feet is the minimum, be safer.

6. Be aware of two-way hallways and narrow paths, avoid them as much as possible.

7. Find a secluded area to eat your food. Avoid areas that are visited and know by other employees.

Organize and Communicate

8. Minimize the need for co-workers to come to your office requesting due-outs. Inform them ahead of time when the item will be ready.

9. Keep your area, office, desk, shelves, neat, and organized so that when a co-work comes looking for an item, you can provide it immediately.  Limit the need for people to stay in your office.

10. Communicate with your colleagues ahead to inform of your personal COVID safety measures what safety measures you uphold to maintain your health and well being. Communicate with confidence.

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay
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4 years ago

Good safety tips!